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LLM(Dist) in International and Commercial Law
Diploma in Securities and Derivatives Investment
Professional Certificate in Securities Dealing

2521 2616 (Office)

2845 0260

14th Floor, Tower 1, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong

Called to the Bar in 1999 Kennis has developed a broad range of trial and appellate work in both civil & criminal matters, including: securities law; company & shareholders disputes; insolvency; general commercial and contractual disputes. She has appeared in all levels of Courts throughout in Hong Kong as well as in various specialist tribunals.

SFC & Stock Exchange

Kennis regularly advises on listing and compliance matters and makes submissions to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE) and the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC).

Regulatory offences related to the HKSE and SFC, and criminal matters of a ‘white collar’ nature (money laundering, fraud etc), form a significant part of her practice.

PRC/ Mainland

In a reflection of HK’s increasing   economic integration with the rest of the PRC/Mainland, Kennis has been engaged as an expert in   respect of local (HK) corporate law in PRC/Mainland litigation. She passed   the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Legal Professional Examination   (2022) and is qualified to advise and appear in Mainland Courts on civil and   commercial cases in 9 cities in the Greater Bay Area.

Tribunals – experience & chairmanship

In 2018, Kennis was appointed Chairman   of the Appeal Tribunal Panel (Buildings); and has also been appointed to   various administrative and quasi-judicial boards and tribunals, including:   the Appeal Tribunal (Housing), Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance) and   the Torture Claims Appeal Board.

Previous Judicial Office

Kennis’ legal practice has included (earlier in her career) her sitting in the Magistrates Courts as a Deputy Magistrate hearing a variety of quasi criminal (various departmental summons: health, environment, construction etc.,) and criminal trials which provided her with a wealth of experience in handling and managing cases of various complexity from a judicial standpoint.

Published Works

For a period of 7 years (2000 - 07) Kennis compiled all local cases as the Legal Editor of “Hong Kong Cases and Hong Kong Public Law Reports”.


Outside practice, Kennis is active in charity work with a special emphasis on underprivileged children in our community.

Called to the Bar

Hong Kong, 1999



Areas Of Practice

Administrative and Public Law
Commercial Crime
Commercial Disputes
Company Law
Competition Law
Departmental/Industrial Summonses
Family and Private Client
General Civil
General Crime
Labour and Employment
Land and Property
Personal Injury/Medical Negligence
Sexual Offences

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