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LLM (Merits) in Corporate & Commercial Law
LLB (Hons)

2521 2616 (Office)

2845 0260

14th Floor, Tower 1, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong

Alan studied law in England and graduated from the University of Essex. He then pursued a Masters degree in corporate and commercial law at London University. Upon returning to Hong Kong, he entered into private practice as well as lecturing part-time at the University of Hong Kong in the year of 1991. Alan has a vast amount of experience in both civil and criminal cases.

Alan’s commercial practice lies predominantly in banking, company, shareholders, securities, restitution and sale of goods disputes and he is frequently instructed by both reputable employers and employees to deal with disputes arising from employment relationships.  His representation of a legally aided employee in Yung Chi Keung v Protection of Wages on Insolvency Board (2016) 19 HKCFAR 469, a judicial review case, has resulted in the Court of Final Appeal overturning the Commissioner of Labour's long-standing way of calculating ex gratia payment payable in relation to outstanding severance payment under the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance (Cap 380).

From 1997 onwards, Alan began specialising in personal injuries litigation and regularly represents both insurance companies and private claimants.  

Despite his wide-ranging civil practice, Alan maintains his criminal practice by prosecuting and defending criminal cases at all levels of the criminal jurisdiction.  He was one of the first Chinese barristers to conduct criminal cases entirely in Chinese in the District Court.

Alan also actively performs judicial and quasi-judicial roles by sitting sometimes as Deputy District Judge and Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Member of various statutory Appeal Boards.

Called to the Bar

Hong Kong, 1990
England & Wales (Lincoln’s Inn), 1990



Areas Of Practice

Administrative and Public Law
Commercial Crime
Commercial Disputes
Company Law
Competition Law
Departmental/Industrial Summonses
General Civil
General Crime
Labour and Employment
Land and Property
Personal Injury/Medical Negligence
Probate/Administrative Action
Traffic Offences

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