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Rachel Ronald (with Roland Lau) represented the Interested Party in Li Sang Edward v Disciplinary Board under the Land Survey Ordinance [2024] HKCA 197. The appeal was dismissed with costs.

Rachel Ronald (with Roland Lau) represented the Interested Party in Li Sang Edward v Disciplinary Board under the Land Survey Ordinance [2024] HKCA 197. 

It is an appeal from the decision and sanction order of the Disciplinary Board under the Land Survey Ordinance (Cap.473). The Appellant and the Interested Party appeared in person in the proceedings below, which arose out of a complaint by the Appellant against the Interested Party in respect of his professional conduct as a land surveyor. The Disciplinary Board, i.e. the Respondent, found one of the disciplinary charges established and ordered that the Interested Party be reprimanded and that the reprimand be recorded on the register of authorised land surveyors. On appeal, the Appellant seeks the removal of the Interested Party from the register.

The Court of Appeal found that none of the grounds of appeal has been made out and dismissed the appeal with costs.

View the full judgment here.


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